Trust in the Process, Resources & Time

“I still need a formal introductory training for Atlas. In other words, an organized and thorough explanation and demonstration of what it is and how it works. Will the Q and A be productive for me? I’m afraid it is geared more toward people who are already trained and using Atlas to address issues that […]

Enjoying the Ride: Attending to the Needs of Adult Learners in Professional Development

“All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.” Sir Walter Scott As a learner, I appreciate when theory intersects with practice, especially my own. I’ve been devouring the reading in Zepeda (2012) this week about professional learning, but what has especially caught my eye is chapter […]

Moving Away from Professional-Immolation: Can Teacher Leadership Professionalize Education?

What is the ultimate goal of teacher leadership? According to Hilty (2012), the aim of teacher leadership is really pretty straightforward; the goal is attained when student outcomes are improved: “Being effective necessarily means that everyone in a school participates in the decision-making process and is accountable for student achievement” (p. 125). It seems simple […]

Throwing Out the Baby with the Bath Water

Leadership, in its many forms and permutations really comes down to a basic human desire; to feel a sense of empowerment and control over the direction of one’s life, whether that is in the classroom, home or the greater community. As discussed by Smylie, Conley & Marks (2010) the concerns of teacher leaders are no […]