The Role of Collegiality in School Improvement and Teacher Professionalization

The importance of nurturing collegial relationships in education is becoming increasingly clear to me. In chapter 11 of Professional Development: What Works (Zepeda, 2012) the idea of learning circles as a professional development model is introduced. According to Zepeda (2012) learning circles are a structured process where educators share in a common interest and commitment to a […]

Getting in the Way

As an aspiring principal I like to approach thinking about professional development from the perspective of an administrator, asking questions such as which research-based approaches would I develop with my (future) staff and why; what would my role be given various approaches (coach, participant, hands-off); and how could I best support the development of teachers […]

Mapping the Past, Mapping the Future

This past week has been filled with opportunities to explore and put into practice varying aspects of curriculum design. Last Wednesday, I met with the “Professional Development & Curriculum Supervisor” at a local district office. The first order of business was attending a weekly meeting of the members of the district’s student learning group, including […]